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18 In 1 Blonde Intense Violet Treatment Mask is an advanced anti-yellow toning antidote infused with rich native Australian Kakadu Plum, Argan Oil, Keratin and Amino Acids. The intense range is the new and improved version of 18 in 1 that performs a faster and deeper toning result on the hair. The treatment instantly hydrates, conditions and tones coloured hair while providing 18 beneficial properties. It can be used in conjunction with keratin smoothing treatment and chemical straightening as it is free of harmful sulfates, parabens and salts. It can be applied on towel dried hair for 1-30 minutes depending on your desired result. The 18 in 1 Blonde Intense Violet Treatment Mask is perfect for maintaining a cooler tone in your hair for longer.
Active Ingredients: • Australian Kakadu Plum – richest fruit in the world full of antioxidants and Vitamin C • Keratin – strengthening from within the cortex of your hair, improving elasticity • Argan Oil – makes your hair softer, silkier and shiner by conditioning and treating split ends • Amino Acids – rebuilds the hair from within the cortex. It moisturises, strengthens hair and prevents colour fade18 in 1 Benefits: 1. Eliminates yellow 2. Moisturises dry hair 3. Smooths rough hair 4. Moisturises instantly 5. Hydrates hair 6. Prevents split ends 7. Restores shine 8. Repairs damaged hair 9. Helps keep colour vibrant 10. Rebuilds tensile strength 11. Returns elasticity 12. Adds protective layer 13. Reduces hair breakage 14. Acts as a shield from harmful UV rays 15. Protects from environmental pollution 16. Prevents dryness in colour treated hair 17. Revitalises hairs natural protective layer 18. Reduces damage from chemical treatments
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