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Fanola No Yellow Mask 350ml
$19.95 $32.95
save $13.00
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With time comes change, and hair is usually the first place we notice it. But don't stress any more if the grey streaks are setting in, Fanola No Yellow Mask has you covered with their line of No Yellow Mask.
It's made with a violet pigment that turns down the grey or lightened hairs to be less noticeable.
There's nothing wrong with going grey, but this No Yellow Shampoo helps you keep your color consistent and vibrant.
No Yellow is used for bleached, blonde, streaked, and grey hair.
No Yellow Mask is formulated with a special violet pigment that neutralizes undesired yellow reflections.
Leaves hair soft, shiny and silky.
The action of the violet pigment is not invasive but rather it has very high cosmetic action without any side effects, even if the shampoo is frequently used.
Its acid pH seals the cuticle and creates protective violet film on the hair that reflects and rejects yellow reflection.
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